I had many enemies, a few people, a few forces and a lot of climates. This is the one where he.at, one of my greatest enemies, gets into a sweaty and uncomfortable fight with my family and I. It was a pleasant sunny evening when my family and i were stuck in a traffic jam. Slowly the heat rose to our cheeks and stung with all its might. We started sweating uncomfortably and we were obsessed with putting on the air conditioner, but my brother had a cold. It was so hot, the heat was like a war machine determined to make us sweat every last drop of water we had in our bodies. After a while my brother seemed unaffected by his cold, but rather more irritated, because of the blistering heat. So we switched on the air con. It felt so relieving, like we had reached heaven without dying. Slowly, we found ourselves in hell. The heat was killing us. The heat had a mind of its own and would persevere to make us feel, hot restless, uncomfortable and sweaty. There was nothing we could do but bear the cruel evil heat till we got home. These few minutes seemed like times of great suffering mixed:famines, droughts, apocalypses and Armageddons together.
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